
  • Make sure that the entry is welcome and inviting.
  • Put away all coats and shoes that may be left at the door.
  • Consider adding a small table or bench for potential buyers to set things on as they remove their shoes or put on shoe covers.

Master Bedroom

  • Remove any excess furniture – an open, airy feel in a bedroom is really important. Basics to leave: bed, night stands, dresser, possibly a bench or side chair if there is room.
  • Pack up or relocate any non-essentials to storage (seasonal clothes, extra shoes, etc)
  • TV is ok to leave but hide or remove cords for photos so it looks styled and not messy.
  • Make the bed as luxurious as possible (light neutral bedding, lots of layers, lots of pillows & throw pillows) (borrow or consider buying pillows if needed.)
  • Clear all personal items from surfaces (this includes lotions, tissue boxes and alarm clocks)
  • Replace any personal photos

Master Bath

  • Create a very neutral, luxurious ‘spa’ feel as much as possible
  • Remove any open laundry baskets
  • Replace any items on open shelving with folded face cloths, new candles, small decor items, etc. (especially watch for the small personal items that are stored ‘out’, which signal to a buyer that there isn’t enough storage)

Living Room

  • Evaluate the layout and the amount of furniture in the space: the goal is to create an open, airy feel with good traffic flow – often some pieces need to be moved out and the room rearranged. Try not to cover windows or block walking paths with furniture
  • Remove all family photos and really simplify decor (pack this stuff first)
  • Almost all surfaces should be clear – add a few decor items to tables and bookshelves but keep it very minimal
  • Bundle, tuck, hide or remove as many loose cords as you can (tv lamps, etc)
  • Updated throw pillows  (consider buying or borrowing if you don’t have some)
  • Kids toys should be put into baskets or hidden completely if possible (anything large should be stored)

Kitchen & Bathrooms

  • Mop and polish floors
  • Clean appliances and fixtures
  • Clean and organize pantry, throw out any old items and show off the storage space
  • Replace old caulking
  • Remove all stains from sinks, toilets, showers/tubs
  • Keep all toilet seat lids closed
  • Stow away your personal soaps, hygiene products, medications, etc.

Looking for more tips? Click here to download my Staging Guide.