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Home Staging

Staging Tips #3- The Top Interior Staging Recommendations


  • Make sure that the entry is welcome and inviting.
  • Put away all coats and shoes that may be left at the door.
  • Consider adding a small table or bench for potential buyers to set things on as they remove their shoes or put on shoe covers.

Master Bedroom

  • Remove any excess furniture – an open, airy feel in a bedroom is really important. Basics to leave: bed, night stands, dresser, possibly a bench or side chair if there is room.
  • Pack up or relocate any non-essentials to storage (seasonal clothes, extra shoes, etc)
  • TV is ok to leave but hide or remove cords for photos so it looks styled and not messy.
  • Make the bed as luxurious as possible (light neutral bedding, lots of layers, lots of pillows & throw pillows) (borrow or consider buying pillows if needed.)
  • Clear all personal items from surfaces (this includes lotions, tissue boxes and alarm clocks)
  • Replace any personal photos

Master Bath

  • Create a very neutral, luxurious ‘spa’ feel as much as possible
  • Remove any open laundry baskets
  • Replace any items on open shelving with folded face cloths, new candles, small decor items, etc. (especially watch for the small personal items that are stored ‘out’, which signal to a buyer that there isn’t enough storage)

Living Room

  • Evaluate the layout and the amount of furniture in the space: the goal is to create an open, airy feel with good traffic flow – often some pieces need to be moved out and the room rearranged. Try not to cover windows or block walking paths with furniture
  • Remove all family photos and really simplify decor (pack this stuff first)
  • Almost all surfaces should be clear – add a few decor items to tables and bookshelves but keep it very minimal
  • Bundle, tuck, hide or remove as many loose cords as you can (tv lamps, etc)
  • Updated throw pillows  (consider buying or borrowing if you don’t have some)
  • Kids toys should be put into baskets or hidden completely if possible (anything large should be stored)

Kitchen & Bathrooms

  • Mop and polish floors
  • Clean appliances and fixtures
  • Clean and organize pantry, throw out any old items and show off the storage space
  • Replace old caulking
  • Remove all stains from sinks, toilets, showers/tubs
  • Keep all toilet seat lids closed
  • Stow away your personal soaps, hygiene products, medications, etc.

Looking for more tips? Click here to download my Staging Guide.

Staging Tips #2- Front Exterior

The yard is definitely part of the first impression but the exterior of the home is just important. I want to share some tips on how to impress potential homebuyers as they drive by and approach your home.

  1. Make sure that the door is in good shape and that they key works smoothly in the lock.
  2. Ensure that the walkway to the front door is a clear path.
  3. The front porch and front door will be the place that home buyers will be spending a fair amount of time as their Realtor accesses the keybox and unlocks the door. If your front porch and door need some love. Paint will do wonders.
  4. Light fixtures should be updated and the appropriate size for the entry.
  5. Add some interest and charm. Colorful plants and a fresh front door mat are 2 ways that this can be achieved.
  6. If there is room on your porch add a bench or chairs accented with pillows to add some dramatic effect.

Looking for more tips? Click here to download my FREE Staging That Sells Guide!!!

Staging Tips #1- Yard and Landscaping

First impressions are everything and your exterior of your house is no exception. When buyers are choosing which homes they want to see the main photo (which is the front photo of your home) on the listing must grab their attention. The same goes when they are just driving by and see the sign in the yard. If your exterior doesn’t impress them, they may not bother to see what the inside has to offer.

So how do you make sure that your exterior screams “Come on inside, I’m awesome!!!”? Here are are some tips that I’ve learned through staging classes, experience and research.

When I was watching one of those not so reality flipping shows one of the investors said, “you can’t sell it if you can’t see it.” This saying sums it up perfectly. If you have trees, bushes, vines, etc. blocking the front of your house, they need to go. Trim trees, remove or cut back overgrown bushes, take down climbing vines, etc. Make sure there is a clear walkway to the front of the house and that the numbers on the house are clearly visible. Buyers want to see the house not look for it under overgrown landscaping.

The yard is very important. Make sure that is given extra care when preparing your house to go on the market. Use weed killers, water regularly and use fertilizer. When cutting the grass, try cutting it on an angle. This will help the yard appear larger.

When sprucing up the landscaping keep these tips in mind.

  1. Use black mulch. This color is more dramatic and enhances most exterior colors.
  2. Remove all yard art. These items can be distracting and are usually personalized to the current owner.
  3. Clean out all leaves from gutters and landscaping.
  4. Remove all dead or dying plants.
  5. Hide trash bins, hoses, etc.
  6. Hide the foundation using landscaping.
  7. Make sure that all pet messes are cleaned up promptly and the unsightly urine spots in the grass are taken care of.

Looking for more specific tips for your home? Contact me today and I’d be happy to set up a home seller consultation!