When I sit down with clients to discuss what they are looking for in a home, I ask them to make a “wish list” of everything that they want in a home. Bedrooms, baths, amenities, location, price, etc. Some have a laundry list of everything under the sun, and some can only come up with a couple. I then ask them to narrow it down to the top 5 “high priority” features. If they have less than 5, I’ll ask more questions to pull out more ideas from them.

Why 5? Because most of the time you can sum up what you are truly looking for within this number. Keep in mind you aren’t always going to get all 5. I always tell potential buyers that we are looking for a home that meets at least 85% of their criterial because 100%, aka “perfect” homes do not exist. Even if you build your “perfect” home there will be things that you wish you would have done differently.

So how do you decide what should make your top 5?

Keep an Open Mind About Features

Do you have your mind set on a 3 bedroom home, but in actuality a home with 2 bedrooms and an office would fit the bill and keep you in your price range? Do you really want a 2 stall garage, but if you have a 1 stall garage and a storage shed that would meet your needs as well? Maybe your hoping to stay in a certain price range but if you bump it up just a bit you can find more of what you are looking for and can still comfortably afford the mortgage payment.

Have Your Non Negotiables

If the main goal of buying a new home is to live in a certain school district and have bussing for your kids. Don’t settle for a home in a neighboring school district and resign to chancing the school of choice system and driving your kids to and from school every day. You likely will regret this decision. Another example would be that really want to live in a home that has main floor everything. You find a one that has almost everything you are looking for but the owner’s sweet is in the basement. Every day when you climb those stairs you will wonder what you were thinking at the time.

I’d love to guide you through the home buying process. My passion is to help my clients reach their goals and find the right home for them!