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The Do’s and Don’ts of Buying Vacant Land

The Do’s and Don’ts of Buying Vacant Land

Do work with an agent to find the land. Your real estate agent can help to research the property and make sure that you are making a safe investment. Buying vacant land is different than buying a home; work with an agent who knows what questions to ask and knows how to negotiate on your behalf.

Building a custom home is hard work that is rewarded when you move into the home of your dreams. The first step is finding the perfect lot to build on. Before you purchase a lot to build on, be aware of these do’s and don’ts.

Do have your finances in order. You will need to have proof of funds for the purchase amount, so make sure you understand what you can afford to spend on your lot.

Do find out what utilities service the area. If you are looking outside of a developed area, you need to know what utility services are available already, or if any infrastructure needs to be added.

Do find out if incentives are available. In areas where natural disasters have occurred, local governments may offer incentives for building where previous homes have been destroyed.

Do visit the tax assessor’s office. The tax assessor will be able to tell you the estimated value of your lot as well as your projected property taxes.

Do price the neighborhood. Your agent can help you with a market analysis of the surrounding homes. You don’t want your home and land cost to be vastly higher than the rest of the neighborhood.

Don’t expect to finance your lot. Lenders often don’t lend money for vacant land, and if they do, they may only lend up to half the land value. This is why it’s so important to talk to your financial advisors before you start looking.

Don’t skip the soil tests. You should have the soil tested to make sure there aren’t pollutants or foreign materials buried beneath the surface. If you will have a septic sewer system, you will need a percolation test to make sure the property is fit for a septic tank.

Don’t forget to get a survey done. Before you purchase the lot, ask to see a recent survey or have one done to validate property lines and make sure other neighbors aren’t already encroaching on the lot with access roads, fencing, or structures.

Don’t let neighbors know of your plans. Don’t get too friendly just yet. If the land you plan to build on has been enjoyed by nearby property owners for the view, for parking, or for recreation, your plans to build may be met with resistance.

Don’t assume you can have property rezoned. Make sure you know the property zoning regulations for the property. If you are in a rural area and plan to have chickens or horses, make sure that is permitted. Be wary of sellers who tell you that you can subdivide the land or build two homes on one lot, as this may not be the case.

Don’t rely on a drive-by. You need to walk the property, no matter the size or your plans for its use. If you are buying multiple acres, don’t assume that the topography is consistent throughout with no hidden problems. Things to check for include flood-prone areas, environmentally protected-animal dwellings, trash deposits and neighbors that are involved in activities that may affect your enjoyment of the property, such as dog kennels or shooting ranges.

5 Questions to Ask Potential Mortgage Lenders

As you embark on the dynamic journey of buying a new home, it’s crucial to navigate the intricate landscape of mortgages with confidence. I’m Liz Opatic, a committed real estate professional specializing in the vibrant Grand Rapids community. In the following discussion, we’ll delve into the pivotal questions you should contemplate when engaging potential mortgage lenders.

1. What type of loan do you recommend for me? Why?

In the realm of mortgages, one size rarely fits all. It’s crucial to understand the nuances of each mortgage type and how they align with your goals. Delve into the rationale behind the lender’s recommendation – this insight empowers you to make an informed decision tailored to your unique needs.

2. Will my down payment vary based on the loan I choose?

Being smart about your finances is super important. So, don’t hold back when it comes to letting your lender know about your money limits. Mortgages have all sorts of different down payment needs. By sharing your preferences, you’re setting the stage for a balanced approach that keeps your financial comfort in mind.

    3. What is the interest rate and the annual percentage rate (APR)?

    While interest rates take the spotlight, the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) offers a comprehensive view. It merges the interest rate with fees, providing a holistic understanding of your borrowing costs. Grasping the APR aids in making accurate comparisons among loan offers.

    4. When can I lock in my interest rate?

    Asking your lender how soon you can lock in your interest rate is a strategic move that can save you money. Interest rates can be like a moving target, and they often fluctuate with market changes. By finding out the earliest possible moment to lock in your rate, you’re giving yourself a chance to secure a favorable rate before it potentially goes up. This can translate into significant savings over the life of your loan. So, don’t miss out on the opportunity to potentially lock in a lower rate – it’s all about maximizing your financial advantage in the home-buying process.

    5. What will my closing costs be?

    When it comes to closing costs, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what to expect. Typically ranging from 3-6% of your loan value, these costs encompass various fees associated with finalizing your home purchase.

    If you are looking for a great mortgage pro, I have several loan officers that will take amazing care of you. Call me today!


    Why a Home Buyer Consultation is so Important to the Process

    As exciting as it is to start looking for homes, it not the best way to begin the process. Why?

    Because the Home Buying Journey is much more complicated and stressful than the simple purchasing decisions that we make on the day to day basis.

    The Home Buyer Consultation has many benefits.

    1. It is a chance for me to learn the full picture of what you are looking for, what type of home will work for your lifestyle and what your goal time frame is for purchasing and moving into your new home.
    2. It is a chance for us to discuss what the current market is like. Is it a sellers’ market where buyers are competing for homes? A buyers’ market where buyers have many options and have more negotiating power? Maybe the market is pretty balanced ? So many have so many people have opinions on the market, but if they’re not in it on a daily basis in a professional capacity they’re not likely to provide the most reliable advice. (Uncle Johnny means well and loves you but he may not be the one to go to for real estate market advice when he hasn’t bought a home since 1995.) I have been through all types of markets throughout the years and have the experience to advise you on the current market.
    3. In this consultation we can narrow down the most important “must haves” that will fit your budget. Is your list of home features that you are looking for a mile long? Maybe you have no idea where to begin making a list? I’ll help you through this.
    4. We will also talk about the best way for you to purchase. Have you saved up cash? Should you get a mortgage? What type of mortgage should you talk to a mortgage lender about. Getting pre-approved is definitely important, but not necessary for you to schedule a consultation. I have many great local lenders that I can refer you to when you are ready to get the process started.
    5. We will come up with a game plan to reach your home ownership goals and find the “right home” for you.

    Are you ready to at least explore the option of buying a home? Click here to schedule a consultation and let’s get started!!