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selling a home

5 Secrets to a Successful Home Sale

Secret #1: It’s your kitchen that’ll sell your home.⁣

While buyers want the right bed and bath count to meet their needs, years of experience tell me it’s your KITCHEN that’ll sell your home. ⁣

As you get your home ready for the market, every minute (and dollar!) you spend prepping your kitchen to look its best will give you a high ROI. ⁣

At a minimum, clean, declutter, and clear off those countertops for every showing (save a vase of fresh flower). ⁣

Wanna do a little more? Update cabinet hardware, replace the faucet and sink, install a backsplash, or splurge on new light fixtures.⁣

Secret #2: Declutter, depersonalize, and stage your home.⁣

Buyers must be able to picture themselves living in YOUR home. Give them a chance to do just that by decluttering, depersonalizing, and staging your home:⁣

• Declutter: Picture your home as a vacation rental. If you wouldn’t see it out in a rental, you shouldn’t see it out during a showing.⁣
• Depersonalize: A few modest photos here and there is fine, but pack away the excess, take down oversized monograms, and remove wall letters from the kids’ rooms.⁣
• Stage: If you’re using the dining room as a craft area or home office, reset it as a space to dine. Also, get rid of unnecessary furniture to make your living room feel airy and spacious. Staging doesn’t have to be costly or complicated — it simply helps buyers make sense of your home and see its potential.⁣

Secret #3: DON’T go overboard on upgrades.⁣

In an effort to get top dollar for their home, well-intentioned sellers take on major renovations without consulting a realtor first. Misinformed and assuming they’ll get every dollar back (and then some!), they go overboard on upgrades only to be disappointed at the closing table.⁣

And while there are upgrades worth doing prior to selling, they’re often quick fixes, not major renovations. ⁣

If you’re thinking about selling soon, reach out to a realtor who knows your neighborhood and can give you data on the upgrades that matter most to buyers in your area.

Got the kitchen looking great?⁣
Got your home decluttered, depersonalized, and staged?⁣
Chatted with a realtor about worthwhile upgrades?⁣

Fist-bump! You’re SO ready for Secret #4 in our 5 Secrets to a Successful Sale! ⁣

While this one won’t require any elbow grease, it will take a tiny leap of faith. Secret #4 is all about pricing your home to sell — fast.⁣

Secret #4: Find out what your home is worth, then price it attractively.⁣

• Pricing your home just below market value instantly gets buyers’ attention and motivates them to schedule a showing ASAP.⁣
• Once buyers see your home (and LOVE it), they’re more likely to put in an offer if they feel like they’re getting a deal.⁣
• When they realize there are other offers on the table, buyers tend to get competitive and are willing to increase their bid to land the home they want.⁣

I’m rounding out this month of luck with the last secret in our 5 Secrets of a Successful Sale — secrets that together will help you sell your home without a hint of luck or wishful thinking.⁣

Secret #5: Work with the right agent.⁣

The easiest way to hire the RIGHT agent? Knowing when they’re the WRONG agent. Here are few warning signs:⁣

• They have few references.⁣
• They aren’t familiar with your neighborhood.⁣
• They are new to town.⁣
• They are hard to reach by phone, email, or text.⁣
• They pressure you to make decisions before you feel ready.⁣

There are a ton of AMAZING agents out there. So don’t settle! Keep looking and asking around until you find an agent you “click” with — getting a successful sale (and maybe that pot o’ gold!) depends on it.⁣

8 Ways to Make Buyers Fall in Love with Your Home

We all want people to love our home as much as we do, but especially when you are trying to sell it! While it’s impossible to please every buyers’ taste, there are several easy things you can do to make your home more appealing without spending a lot of money. Try some of these tricks and see if your showings cause buyers to swoon.

1. Check your curb appeal. Take an honest look from the curbside. What are buyers seeing first? If your home needs to be painted or pressure washed, consider making that investment. Clean up landscaping by trimming trees and bushes, planting some fresh annuals and laying new mulch. Clean windows, repair sagging soffit, or porch railings, and have any trip hazards on your driveway or front walk repaired. Finally, consider some attractive, yet subtle decorations for your front porch.

2. Create an inviting entryway. When buyers step inside your front door, you want them to feel welcomed. If you have a foyer or front hall, it is easier to make an attractive entryway, but even if your front door opens right into your living room, you can create the feel of an entryway with a couple of simple tricks. Clear the area of clutter things that tend to pile up at the front door, like backpacks, dog leashes, or shoes. Place a small table or bench beside the door with plants, candles, or other simple décor. A small area rug can help define the space as the entryway.

3. Let the light shine in. Take advantage of natural light as much as you can. Trimming any bushes or trees outside your windows can help immensely. Wash your windows inside and out and replace or remove any worn screens. Make sure to open blinds or curtains before all showings.

4. Add some fresh color. Painting is an easy and inexpensive way to make an older home look new and is especially important if your current wall color is dark or outdated. Choose a light neutral color like a warm grey or light beige and use the same color throughout the house. If your home tends to be dark, this will help brighten it up.

5. Let storage spaces speak for themselves. Many sellers make the mistake of waiting until they have a contract to start cleaning out closets. Cleaning out clutter is part of getting ready to show, not just getting ready to move. You want buyers to perceive that there is ample storage in the home, and this doesn’t work if every drawer, cabinet, and closet is stuffed to the gills.

6. Eliminate distractions. Streamline your decorating so your buyers see the house and not your collection of knickknacks. Go ahead and pack up collectibles and family photos and keep decorative touches to the minimum. Too many plants, magazines, or toys distract the buyers from seeing the home as their own.

7. Entice them with outdoor space. The back yard shouldn’t be an empty space of infinite possibility, nor should it be a storage area for neglected toys. Get rid of any eyesores you’ve been avoiding dealing with, spruce up your landscaping, repair irrigation or pool issues, and create an entertaining space with a patio set, or a backyard oasis with some potted plants and a hammock.

8. Make it easy for them. Taking care of minor repairs is another step you can take to help buyers see your home as an easy and comfortable move. You want them to be mentally arranging their furniture as they walk through, not making a list of nicked woodwork, torn window screens, and leaky faucets. The less work involved, the easier it is to fall in love.

Maximize the Success of Your Showings: Tips for a Flawless Experience

When it comes to selling your home, showings play a crucial role in attracting potential buyers and sealing the deal. To ensure that your showings are as successful as possible, it’s important to create the right atmosphere and be flexible with your schedule. As a professional real estate agent, I understand the significance of these aspects and will work with you to maximize the impact of your showings. Here are some tips that can help make your showings shine:

  1. Give Them Space: One of the simplest yet most effective ways to enhance the showing experience is to leave your home during the showing. By giving the buyers and their agent some privacy, they can explore freely and feel more comfortable envisioning themselves living in the space.
  2. Let There Be Light: Brightening up your home can make it feel more inviting and spacious. Before a showing, make sure to turn on all lights and open blinds and curtains to let in natural light. A well-lit home creates a positive first impression and allows potential buyers to see every corner clearly.
  3. Furry Friends on Vacation: As much as we love our pets, it’s best to keep them out of the house during showings. Not everyone may be a pet lover, and some potential buyers may have allergies or feel uncomfortable around animals. Consider finding a temporary home for your pets or ask a friend or family member to look after them during showings.
  4. Tidy Up: Empty waste baskets and keep the space neat and tidy. A clutter-free environment allows potential buyers to envision their own belongings in the home. By minimizing distractions, you create a clean canvas for them to imagine their future.
  5. Flexibility is Key: Be flexible with your showing schedule to accommodate potential buyers. While advance notice is ideal, there may be instances when last-minute requests arise. Whenever possible, try to honor these requests. By being accommodating, you increase the likelihood of attracting serious buyers who may have limited availability.
  6. Engaging the Senses: When preparing for showings, consider engaging all five senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. However, keep in mind that subtlety is key. Instead of overpowering scents, opt for a freshly cleaned home or the pleasant aroma of freshly baked cookies. Soft background music can also create a soothing ambiance and appeal to the sense of hearing, allowing potential buyers to feel more relaxed as they explore your home.

Remember, we are a team throughout the showing process. We will work together to establish parameters for showings, including the hours and days that work best for you. To ensure your peace of mind, we can utilize an electronic lockbox that notifies me whenever it’s opened, providing you with a sense of security.

If you have pets that require special attention during showings, we will find the most suitable solution together. Your comfort and convenience are important, and I will strive to gather feedback from each showing and share that information with you.

By implementing these tips and working together, we can maximize the success of your showings and increase the likelihood of finding the perfect buyer for your home. So, let’s get ready to showcase your property and make a lasting impression!

Staging Tips #2- Front Exterior

The yard is definitely part of the first impression but the exterior of the home is just important. I want to share some tips on how to impress potential homebuyers as they drive by and approach your home.

  1. Make sure that the door is in good shape and that they key works smoothly in the lock.
  2. Ensure that the walkway to the front door is a clear path.
  3. The front porch and front door will be the place that home buyers will be spending a fair amount of time as their Realtor accesses the keybox and unlocks the door. If your front porch and door need some love. Paint will do wonders.
  4. Light fixtures should be updated and the appropriate size for the entry.
  5. Add some interest and charm. Colorful plants and a fresh front door mat are 2 ways that this can be achieved.
  6. If there is room on your porch add a bench or chairs accented with pillows to add some dramatic effect.

Looking for more tips? Click here to download my FREE Staging That Sells Guide!!!

3 Strategies For Selling Your Home and Buying a New One

You’re ready to make a move but not quite sure how to juggle it… You currently own the house you are in and have equity that you’d like to use towards buying new one. How do you make this all work??

This is a common scenario that many homeowners face when deciding to move. There a few strategies to use to accomplish this:

1. Sell First. List your current home then look for a new one once your home is under contract.

2. Buy First. Buy your new home (cash, bridge loan, new mortgage), then list and sell your current home.

3. Buy and Sell Simultaneously. Look for a new home. Once you find the right home, write an offer contingent upon you selling your home. If your offer is accepted, list and sell your home.

Which way is best for you? Feel free to reach out to schedule a NO obligation consultation!!

Staging Tips #1- Yard and Landscaping

First impressions are everything and your exterior of your house is no exception. When buyers are choosing which homes they want to see the main photo (which is the front photo of your home) on the listing must grab their attention. The same goes when they are just driving by and see the sign in the yard. If your exterior doesn’t impress them, they may not bother to see what the inside has to offer.

So how do you make sure that your exterior screams “Come on inside, I’m awesome!!!”? Here are are some tips that I’ve learned through staging classes, experience and research.

When I was watching one of those not so reality flipping shows one of the investors said, “you can’t sell it if you can’t see it.” This saying sums it up perfectly. If you have trees, bushes, vines, etc. blocking the front of your house, they need to go. Trim trees, remove or cut back overgrown bushes, take down climbing vines, etc. Make sure there is a clear walkway to the front of the house and that the numbers on the house are clearly visible. Buyers want to see the house not look for it under overgrown landscaping.

The yard is very important. Make sure that is given extra care when preparing your house to go on the market. Use weed killers, water regularly and use fertilizer. When cutting the grass, try cutting it on an angle. This will help the yard appear larger.

When sprucing up the landscaping keep these tips in mind.

  1. Use black mulch. This color is more dramatic and enhances most exterior colors.
  2. Remove all yard art. These items can be distracting and are usually personalized to the current owner.
  3. Clean out all leaves from gutters and landscaping.
  4. Remove all dead or dying plants.
  5. Hide trash bins, hoses, etc.
  6. Hide the foundation using landscaping.
  7. Make sure that all pet messes are cleaned up promptly and the unsightly urine spots in the grass are taken care of.

Looking for more specific tips for your home? Contact me today and I’d be happy to set up a home seller consultation!