Exciting news! Your home appraisal is just around the corner, and we want to make sure you’re all set and ready to rock it! Appraisals might sound a bit intimidating, but fear not, we’ve got your back. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process, step by step, so you know exactly what to expect.

1. Scheduling – Be a Bit Flexible

The first thing you can expect is a call from me or a Showingtime request to set a date for the big day. Please be flexible with the timing, it’ll help speed things along. The sooner we get the appraisal done, the sooner we can move on to the next exciting chapter!

2. Quick Visit – 20 Minutes, That’s It!

Good news: the actual appraisal won’t take much of your time at all. It’s a breeze, only about 20 minutes, give or take. You’re more than welcome to be home during the appraisal, but if you’ve got plans, no worries! It’s not necessary for you to be there.

3. Tidy Up – Make Your Home Shine

Now, I’m not expecting perfection, but giving your home a little tidy before the appraiser’s visit goes a long way. They’ll be taking a few pictures to document your home’s condition and features, so it’s a chance to make your place shine!

4. Easy Access – We’ve Got It Covered

If you can’t be home during the appraisal, don’t sweat it. We’ve got options! The appraiser can use the keybox to get inside your home. Safety first, though; we’ll ensure everything is secure and properly arranged.

5. The Results – Drumroll, Please!

We know you’re eager to hear how it all went! Typically, within a week after the appraisal, the lender will receive the results. I’ll keep you posted every step of the way, and once we have the report, I’ll share the exciting news with you.

There you have it – a quick guide to getting ready for your home appraisal!