Ah, home inspections—the crucial step that brings both excitement and a touch of nerves to the selling process. As a seller, it’s important to know what to expect during this phase. So, let’s dive in and explore what awaits you during home inspections.

  1. Negotiating the Inspection Period

First things first, let’s talk about the inspection period timeframe. This is a detail that we negotiated on our purchase agreement. It sets the window during which the buyer’s inspections will take place. It’s like setting a date for an important event—we’ve agreed upon the time, and now it’s time to prepare.

  1. Scheduling Inspections and Flexibility

Once the inspection period kicks in, you can expect to be contacted to schedule the inspections. We want to accommodate the buyer and their inspectors, so please do your best to be flexible.

  1. Time to Say Goodbye (Temporarily)

When inspection day arrives, it’s important to create a space that allows the inspectors to do their job effectively. For that reason, it’s best if you and your furry friends take some time away from the house during the inspection. Let the inspectors have the stage to themselves. It’s like giving them a quiet space to perform their inspection symphony. The home buyers will likely be there as well.

  1. The Inspection Duration

Now, you might be wondering how long this performance will last. Well, on average, home inspections can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours. It may feel like a long intermission, but remember, this is all part of the process. The inspectors are meticulously examining every nook and cranny of your home to ensure its condition aligns with the buyer’s expectations.

  1. Prompt Communication is Key

As your trusted real estate professional, I will be in close communication with buyer’s Realtor. Rest assured, I’ll keep you in the loop as soon as possible. If any findings come up during the inspection, I’ll relay that information to you promptly.

Remember, dear seller, home inspections are an essential part of the selling journey. They allow the buyer to assess the condition of your home and make informed decisions. So, embrace the process with a light-hearted mindset. Think of it as a backstage pass to ensuring your home shines brightly in the eyes of potential buyers. With my support and guidance, we’ll navigate these inspections smoothly and bring the curtain down on a successful sale.